Compatible Replacement Chip for IBM Infoprint 1612 (non-OEM)
The chip resets the IBM toner cartridge. This allows you to refill the cartridge and use it for another lifetime.
This chip is for these models:
IBM | InfoPrint 1601 |
IBM | InfoPrint 1602 |
IBM | InfoPrint 1612 |
IBM | InfoPrint 1612 Express |
IBM | InfoPrint 1622 |
Its for Europe region printers only. The Starter Cartridge can be converted to standard yield with this chip
There is a killer chip. It locks out and stops you printing. You must replace it each time you refill to reset the cartridge and restore full functionality.
Please note you also will need to source the correct toner powder for use with this model. This is the chip only but toner bottle is available at TonerTopUp. The cartridge must be full of toner when you install the new chip.
Environmentally friendly! Refilling cartridges saves raw materials, landfill waste, energy and CO2 emissions.
Save money! Refilling with high quality compatible toner give excellent results and costs much less than an original cartridge.
Important! Ensure that your cartridge number and region match the details below.
Product Name: IBM Infoprint 1612 Type Chip
Cartridge No.: 39V1638 return
Page Yield/Capacity: Up to 3,500 pages at 5% nominal coverage
Condition: New compatible
Region: EUR| Learn more
Function: Resets the toner cartridge to enable and refilling or re-manufacturing.
Compatible Models: See above list.
Compatibility | |
Compatible Models | IBM Infoprint 1601 |
Cartridge numbers | 39V1638 |
Yield /capacity | |
Page Yield | 3,500 pages at 5% nominal coverage |
Region | |
Region | EUR (Europe) |
IBM Infoprint 1612 Standard Yield Type Chip
- Brands IBM
- Product Code:CHIP-IP1612SY-A
- Availability:In Stock
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