for IBM

Compatible non-OEM toner cartridge reset chips for IBM mono laserprinters.
IBM Infoprint 1116 Type Chip
Compatible Replacement Chip for IBM Infoprint 1116 (non-OEM)The chip resets the IBM toner cartridge...
IBM Infoprint 1120 Type Chip
Compatible Replacement Chip for IBM Infoprint 1120 (non-OEM)The chip resets the HP toner cartri..
IBM Infoprint 1130 Type Chip
Compatible Replacement Chip for IBM Infoprint 1130 (non-OEM)The chip resets the IBM toner cartridge...
IBM Infoprint 1145 Type Chip
Compatible Replacement Chip for IBM Infoprint 1145 (non-OEM)The chip resets the IBM toner cartridge...
IBM Infoprint 1222 Type Chip
Compatible Replacement Chip for IBM Infoprint 1222 (non-OEM)The chip resets the IBM toner cartridge...
IBM Infoprint 1332 Type Chip
Compatible Replacement Chip for IBM Infoprint 1332 (non-OEM)The chip resets the IBM toner cartridge...
IBM Infoprint 1552 Type Chip
Compatible Replacement Chip for IBM Infoprint 1552 (non-OEM)The chip resets the IBM toner cartridge...
IBM Infoprint 1572 Type Chip
Compatible Replacement Chip for IBM Infoprint 1572 (non-OEM)The chip resets the IBM toner cartridge...
IBM Infoprint 1612 High Yield Type Chip
Compatible Replacement Chip for IBM Infoprint 1612 (non-OEM)The chip resets the IBM toner cartridge...
IBM Infoprint 1612 Standard Yield Type Chip
Compatible Replacement Chip for IBM Infoprint 1612 (non-OEM)The chip resets the IBM toner cartridge...